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Customized Homemade Food at Your Doorstep


Are you living away from home? Are you not liking your office or college canteen food?

Are you missing home-cooked meals by your mom?

Yes, we hear you.
I know home-cooked meals by mom is irreplaceable and are so tasty.
That delicious gongura pachadi made by your mom
Lip Smacking Khadi chawal made by your grandma
That yummilicious biryani or pulao made by your Dad
Fried Maggie made by your sister 😀

Did you just smile?

Or Pesarattu
Or Rajma Chawal
Or Venpongal
Or Bisibele Bath
What Not?
The list goes on and is endless.

“Because home-made food is heavenly food”

Have you found your local cuisine in the current city you are living in?
But wondered about the taste.
Yes, we understand your cravings for that homemade food.

“We value it only when we don’t find or get it”

You must be thinking right now about your mom and her handcrafted food.

Am I right?

You wanted to cook exactly like your mom cooks.
But you are unable to cook due to time constraints.

I know both of us have a simple wish.We need delicious, healthy and homemade food.

But we know life is not fair. Not always but sometimes.

But for the rest, you have “HDH foods” by Hungry Palate

Our Recipes

We use fresh organic produce, 100% Natural, with no artificial flavours directly from the farm.Hand pounded masalas, spice powders, desi ghee, cold-pressed cooking oils

Not just the above said but You also have the option to choose from the list of cooking oils we mention when you place the order.
That’s crazy, right?

Authentic.No synthetic

"Brilliant, lifesaver, my second home are some of the things that our customers call us."

A friend of our founder was once like you staying far from home in a hostel and working in a huge office with a less variety of food to choose from. Our founder found there are so many lone stars like this in this galaxy. So she wanted to do something for her friends and the people like them. And that's how HDH was started.

HDH is your magic wand - whip it and voila Healthy-Delicious-Homemade food is delivered to you in 40 mins

Tasty South indian Food

Our Delicious gongura pachadi, Bisi Bele Bath, Venpongal, Avial will replicate the one which made by your mom or grandma

Sweets & Desserts

Traditional as well as Western sweets and desserts like payasam, laddu, crossaint, brownies and lot more.

Smoothie Bowls & Smoothies

Healthy yet Delicious Smoothie Bowls and Smoothies like almond Banana Smoothie Bowl with your favorite toppings, Avocado Smoothie, and more

More Menu

The best way to experience our wide collection of menu is just visit ou site, order from your comfort zone and indulge in the flavours which will satisfy your palate.

We know you can’t order food daily so we have subscription plans.
Clever right?
And a bonus we deliver to your home or office.
Let us take back what we said that one size doesn’t fit all
We offer you HDH which fits every food craving you get 😀

We offer you the power to customize your food so that you can change, cancel or upgrade with minimal costs

Come join our family of happy and healthy customers.
40% off for the first 100 Customers.
Hurry up before this golden offer ends as I can see 2-3 slots getting filled as you read this sentence.

Hurry up grab the offer!!!

For any queries email us on

Images: ©Hungry Palate , Canva

Disclaimer: We are not yet into the delivery service. This sales copy is a sample for my Internship Work